Create An Immersive Performance With Us


Starlight Alchemy's LED performances have enhanced our client's arena with an otherworldly glow and texture to create new imaginative worlds.

Providing an immersive experience through costuming and choreography, we work towards being an extension of your brand and marketing objectives. 


Starlight Alchemy features a collective of performance experts with a combined experience spanning 2 decades of show design and fire safety to craft breath-taking performances and ignite your senses. 

Let Starlight Alchemy take you through a journey of fiery passion, and wonder.


Starlight Alchemy's LED performances have enhanced our client's arena with an otherworldly glow and texture to create new imaginative worlds.

Providing an immersive experience through costuming and choreography, we work towards being an extension of your brand and marketing objectives. 

Follow us on our social media for more 
